To start: puTTYgen does not convert public keys in one format to public keys in another format, although the Putty developers are thinking about doing something about this one day. Converting public keys from SSH.COM to OpenSSH format can even be done by hand, or by the ssh_keygen utility on OpenSSH ssh servers (most Unixes, also available for Windows). What is does do, is converting PRIVATE keys from one format to another, which makes this utility almost unique. Given a private key, puTTYgen can generate a public key in any supported format (OpenSSH, SSH.COM, Putty ). As Halibut or whatever tools only live on selected systems a short description of how to use PuTTYgen to convert SSH2 public and private keys from SSH.COM format ( the format used bij TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS) to OpenSSH format (the format used by mosy *ux ssh servers). 1. Define a foreign command to point to puTTYgen.exe like this puTTYgen := $sys$sysdevice:[myexes]puTTYgen.exe do not forget the dollarsign in front of the filespecification of the executable. Examples: a. Convert private SSH.COM key ( possibly generated by ssh-keygen of TCP/IP services ) to a private OpenSSH key: puTTYgen "alice.;" "-Oprivate-openssh" -o alice_ossh.; b. Convert/create a public key from a SSH.COM private key ( possibly generated by ssh-keygen of TCP/IP services ), to be distributed to Unix systems you want to log in to: puTTygen blurb.; "-Opublic-openssh" -o; c. Generate a key in Putty format and then export the keys to various formats : puTTYgen -t rsa -b 1024 "-C" "The big knurf test" -o knurf.ppk ... convert/export a public/private keypair in OpenSSH format : puTTYgen knurf.ppk "-Oprivate-openssh" -o knurf_ossh.; puTTYgen knurf.ppk "-Opublic-openssh" -o; convert/export a public/private keypair in SSH.COM format : puTTYgen knurf.ppk "-Opublic" -o; puTTYgen knurf.ppk "-Oprivate-sshcom" -o knurf.; Jose Baars. 1-mar-2010